Vote Counting Protocols Part 3

Next #HonestElections Conference Call Sunday 1/29 3-4pm EST. Please join us and share! This is the recording from today's call. There is a little feedback at first - but we get it cleared up quickly - and the quality of the call is great after that. This is a great discussion about a slide show auditing technique that's been developed and a new voting system that is designed for transparency.

Here is more information about today's call:

Today's #HonestElections conference call will feature a voting system that takes a photo of the ballot. It is designed by Jim Keller a photographer and inventor from San Antonio Texas who owns 5 patents on photography and other equipment. We will also speak with Karen McKim of Wisconsin Election Integrity about slide show auditing.

Jim Soper will give us a preview of upcoming legislation in California at the end of the call. Please join us!

Please put comments and questions from the call in the comments below.